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Register Today for Fall 2024 Training

Part 1: The go-at-your-own-pace pre-work is available upon 

Part 2: Live classes as Follows:

October 17, 22, 24, 29 Evenings
November 2 & 16 Saturdays
November 7, 12, 14, 19, 21 Evenings
(Times and details below)

Part-146 Approved (40 Hours)

Click to Register

Divorce Mediation Training

The NYSCDM Divorce Mediation Training is an expansive introductory course that addresses a broad range of interdisciplinary topics for today's mediators. 

  • Part 1: 20 hours of asynchronous legal, mental health, and financial subject-matter training via online video modules, which are to be completed at each trainee’s own pace prior to Part 2.

  • Part 2: 40 hours of live mediation skills training via Zoom (dates and times vary, please see current schedule). Trainees will have access to a trainer outside of class for additional, individualized support.
  • Lecturers and trainers for this program have decades of experience in divorce mediation, divorce law, mental health and divorce finance.

Timing & Location (Online) 

  • You can complete the 20-hour portion of the training at your own pace, when it is convenient for you.

  • The 40-hour portion of the training will be scheduled at various days and times to accommodate a variety of schedules and increase accessibility. 

  • Both portions of the training are online, so you will be able to participate conveniently and comfortably. 

  • Class sizes will be limited to make sure that you have a robust experience and receive personalized attention.

Free One-Year Membership

  • As a value-added bonus, you will receive a one-year membership in the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation.

  • You will have full access to numerous member-only benefits including: a 24/7 online directory promoting your services, repository of templates, agreements and forms, a members-only listserv, educational peer groups throughout New York, free and low-cost advanced trainings, and more! 

  • You will have many opportunities to network, join committees, and work closely with peers and mentors throughout New York State.

Essential Topics and Expert Instructors for Part 1

Part 1: The 20-hour Online Doctrinal Training

This online, go-at-your-own-pace part of the training includes the modules listed below. We recommend that you watch all the videos in one module and take the related assessment before moving to the next module. The list below outlines the order in which we recommend you watch the videos. 

Parenting Time and Decision Making - 4 Hours (3 Videos) 
Barbara Rothberg, DSW
Candi Fulop, Esq.

Equitable Distribution - 6 Hours (4 Videos)
Chris Sorenson, Esq., MSW - Overview
Alla Roytberg, Esq. - Real Estate
Kristen Jenks, CFA - Retirement Assets
Deborah Hope Wayne, Esq. - Prenups

Spousal Support - 2 Hours (1 Video)
Renee LaPoint, MS
Steve Sugarman, Esq. 

Child Support - 2 Hours (1 Video)
Kristin Coffey, CVA, CDFA
Kevin Clark, Esq.

LGBTQ+ Families 2 Hours (1 Video)
Jessica Rothberg, Esq.
Teresa Calabrese, Esq.

Domestic Violence - 2 Hours (1 Video)
Multiple Panelists

Mediation Ethics - 2 Hours (1 Video) 
Rachel Green, Esq.
Dan Burns, Esq.

Cultural & Religious Competency - 1 Hour (1 Video)
Multiple Panelists

Child Abuse & Neglect - Hour (1 Video)
Lawrence Jay Braunstein, Esq,


After each module, you will be required to complete and pass an assessment/quiz. If you do not pass the assessment the first time, you can take it again.

Essential Topics and Expert Trainer for Part 2

Part 2: The 40-hour Live Training via Zoom

The live, interactive part of this training (starting October 2024) will be conducted by:

Jessica S. Rothberg, Esq.
- Founder of Mediation Works (1998), where she has been helping families find resolutions through mediation for more than 25 years.
- Accredited Mediator with NYSCDM and frequent presenter and trainer on mediation topics.
- F
ormer adjunct at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (2008 – 2013) where she taught an advanced seminar on Family and Divorce Mediation.

Lesson 1
Role of the Mediator, Benefits of Mediation, Basic Conflict Theory, Culture and Conflict, Introduction to Facilitative Mediation Model

Lesson 2
Facilitative Mediation: Positions vs. Interests, Neutral Problem Definition, Idea Generation/Brainstorming, Evaluation and Planning, Mediator Skills: Empathy, Initial Client Intake Call

Lesson 3
Mediation Skills: Questions, Reflection, Paraphrasing, Summary, 
Intake Call Role Play, Contracting for Services, Preparing for the Orientation Meeting

Lesson 4
Mediation Skills: Conflict Management, Conflict Diagnosis and Intervention, Reframing, Orientation Meeting Role Plays, Mediation Skills: Caucusing, Managing Difficult Situations

Lesson 5
Parenting Mini-Review, Parenting Mediation Role Plays

Lesson 6
Child Support Mini-Review, Child Support Mediation, Role Plays, Mediation Skills: High Conflict Clients

Lesson 7
Spousal Support Mini-Review, Spousal Support Extended Role Play, Mediator Skills: Referrals and Transferals, Preparing for Equitable Distribution Mediation

Lesson 8
Extended Equitable Distribution Mediation Role Play, Equitable Distribution Mediation Debrief

Lesson 9
Translating and Processing Client Agreements, Final Decisions Role Play, Post-Divorce Role Play, Role of the Mediator: Ethical Issues in Mediation, Reflective Practice and Peer Support

Lesson 10
Translating Client Agreements to Writing, Drafting Exercise, Continuing Education and Accreditation, Establishing and Marketing a Mediation Practice, Certificate of Completion


Fall 2024 Class Schedule for Part 2 (40-hour Live Training via Zoom)


NYSCDM’s Live Mediation Skills Training, via Zoom,
is scheduled for the following dates and times*:

The training will be offered as follows:

Thursday 10/17 – 5:30 – 8:30 pm (3 hrs.) 
Tuesday 10/22– 5:30 – 8:30pm  (3 hrs.) 
Thursday 10/24– 5:30 – 8:30 pm (3 hrs.)
Tuesday 10/29 - 5:30 – 8:30pm  (3 hrs.) 

Saturday 11/2 – 9 am – 4pm (w/ 1 hr break) (6 hrs.)
Thursday 11/7 – 5:30 – 8:30pm  (3 hrs.) 
Tuesday 11/12 – 5:30 – 8:30pm  (3 hrs.)
Thursday 11/14 – 5:30 – 8:30pm  (3 hrs.) 

Saturday 11/16 – 9 am – 4pm (w/ 1 hr break) (6 hrs.)
Tuesday 11/19 – 5:30 – 8:30pm (3 hrs.)
Thursday 11/21 – 5:30 – 8:30pm (4 hrs.)  

*The target dates for the live training are dependent on the number of students who register. 

**Attendance at all sessions is mandatory. Certificates will only be provided upon completion of the entire training program. If you miss a session, you can make it up the next time the live training is offered. 

***Office hours with the trainer are included, but are optional. If you have questions about anything covered in the live sessions,
this is your opportunity to chat with the trainer one-on-one, by appointment. 

The Dates for NYSCDM's Winter 2025 40-Hour Live Mediation Skills Training

with Jessica S. Rothberg, Esq., via Zoom, are:

2/27 Thurs - 6 hours (10am - 5pm with breaks)
2/28 Fri - 4 hours (9am - 1:30 pm with breaks)
3/6 Thurs - 6 hours (10am - 5pm with breaks)
3/7 Fri - 4 hours (9am - 1:30 pm with breaks)
3/20 Thurs - 6 hours  (10am - 5pm with breaks)
3/21 Fri - 4 hours  (9am - 1:30 pm with breaks)
3/27 Thurs - 6 hours (10am - 5pm with breaks)
3/28 Fri - 4 hours (9am - 1:30 pm with breaks)


Take Your First Step Toward
Becoming a Divorce Mediator




Part 146 Approved: This mediation training is approved by the New York State Unified Court System’s Office of ADR Programs under Part 146.
- Final placement on any court roster is at the discretion of the local Administrative Judge, and participation in a course does not guarantee placement on a local court roster.
- Some courts may require additional training and experience beyond Part 146’s requirements.
- Acceptance on court rosters may depend on a court’s need for mediators at any given time and may include a particular court’s need for mediators with specific case-type training or experience.

Technical Requirements: Students are expected to have their own computer with internet access, broadband connection, speakers, a microphone, and a working webcam or HD webcam. Students are expected to be able to access and use Zoom at a basic level, with video and audio turned on at all times. For system requirements, please see:

Access to Part 1: Access to the 20-hour online training is immediate upon registration and payment. This, go-at-your-own-pace part of the program, must be completed before a student can move onto Part 2.

Access to Part 2: Access to the 40-hour interactive live mediation skills training will be available to trainees that have completed Part 1, with classes filled on a rolling basis pursuant to the live-training calendar. All students are expected to attend and actively participate in all ten (10) instructor-led live sessions, and must have their cameras on during each session. If a student misses a session, they can continue attending the other sessions but will be required to make up any missed sessions the next time the live program is offered in order to graduate. The live mediation skills training will be offered approximately two or three times a year.

Refund Policy: Refunds for Part 1 (the 20-hour online training) and Part 2 (the 40-hour live via Zoom training) are not available. If an unavoidable conflict arises, students can delay attending the live training until the next time it is offered. In the event of extenuating circumstances, refunds (partial or full) may be considered on a case-by-case basis and subject to a $275 administrative fee.

Rescheduling: The Council reserves the right to reschedule a live training to meet the minimum number of students required to have a dynamic training experience. For students, if an unavoidable conflict arises, you can delay attending the live training until the next time it is offered.  

Oversubscription: If the 40-hour live training is oversubscribed, students will be admitted on a first-come-first-serve basis, giving priority to students who have already completed their 20-hour pre-requisite training. Students not able to attend the live training will be put on a waiting list, and will be given priority to attend the next live session. 

Scholarships: The Council is committed to providing access to Divorce Mediation for all families in all communities throughout NYS, with a firm belief that family mediation is integral to Human Justice. Prospective trainees representing diverse communities in NYS, as well as trainees experiencing financial hardship, may email [email protected] for more details. 

Videos and Handouts: Students will have access to their training portal, including the 20-hour subject matter videos, for a period of one year after the date of their registration and payment. Students are encouraged to refer to the training materials in their portal and rewatch the videos as often as desired. The videos are not downloadable. The handouts and the Student Manual are downloadable. 

Assessments/Quizzes: Throughout the program, students will be required to complete a number of assessments to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter presented. Students can retake assessments until they pass. 

Evaluations: Likewise, students will be asked to complete session/trainer evaluations throughout the program. 

Release of Liability: This training is a first step toward becoming a divorce mediator. Information shared is for educational purposes and not to be considered specific recommendations for any real-world case. Students will be given comprehensive information and will be trained on best practices. However, as with any profession, proficiency comes with ongoing learning and experience. Students will not hold the Council and/or its trainers liable for any errors or omissions they make mediating real-world divorce cases. 

Ongoing Education: To continue their education after the training, students will receive a complimentary, one-year membership in the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation. Membership will give students access to free educational opportunities including local Peer Groups, the Statewide Online Peer Group/Council Chat, the member listserv, and the mentorship program. Membership includes discounts on paid events, which include our Annual Conference (in person during the spring) as well as the Fall and Winter Symposia (online). 

Recording Permission: Students give the Council permission to record and use their training sessions as needed.  

Attendance and Engagement: Attendance will be taken during the 40-hour live training and the student’s participation/engagement level will be evaluated. 

Certificate of Completion: A certificate of completion will be provided upon a student’s successful completion of the training. 

All aspects of this training program are copyrighted by the New York State Council on Divorce Mediation.